Saturday, September 30, 2006


Today was Bubba's first tournament. She placed 2nd in her first fight which allowed her to participate in the Tournament of Champions at the end of the regular tournament. The girl in her second match who she went up against was two levels higher than her. Although Bubba lost that match, she scored some good points. She placed fifth in that round, winning two medals for the whole tournament. Being the perfectionist she is, she was quite unhappy (disgusted) with her performance. I think it was a good showing and a valuable learning experience. And, even placing in your first tournament is, I think, pretty damned good.

So, we took the disappointed girl out for pizza with her friend Alicia, and she ended up having a good night and a sleepover with her friend. Life works out in the end.

Friday, September 29, 2006


Sock Progress

Having never knit socks before, I am just amazed at the size of the yarn and the needles. The yarn is smaller than embroidery floss and the needles are the size of long toothpicks. Size 2 needles! (Thanks to my Secret Pal!)

Here, another look for reference:

Thursday, September 28, 2006


Logged again. And managed the bleeding office over the phone. Downed three trees, split and stacked one, the other two went on the bonfire pile. We plan to have a big bonfire for Halloween. Hopefully my nervous neighbors won't come down from the city - they're always desperately afraid we'll light the woods on fire. This from the people that installed electric lights in the forest trees and imbedded them in the riverbed. And light up the forest and river at night. I think they are afraid of the forest. God knows the owls, otters, bobcats, wolves, coyotes, pumas and bears are afraid of them. Just not the raccoons.

Started a sock. Yup, on my own. Without a class. Shaking in my boots.

Tuesday, September 26, 2006


Brain too fried to work in law office today. Stayed home, transported Bubba to babysitting, cleaned house, made meatloaf and mashed potatoes for dinner - you know the typical mindless stuff of parenthood and wifedom. Major victory today - getting Boy to thoroughly clean his room. OK, so it wasn't actually me who got him to do it - it was dad, with his deep voice, first thing in the morning. But I wasn't above reminding Boy all day, whenever he slacked, that it was dad who ordered the room done. So I guess I can take credit for managing the situation.
Bubba is preparing for her very first martial arts tournament this Saturday. She's a little nervous and worried about hitting to hard and hurting her opponent. But, her sparring has improved, so it will be an interesting day. Boy won't be competing - he doesn't feel ready.
Oh - finished another dishcloth/washcloth.

Monday, September 25, 2006


Logged today. Seven trees cut down, cut up, split and stacked, just DH, Boy and me, all between 10 AM and 3 PM. Then went into the office to punch out work. So tired. Going to crash.

Sunday, September 24, 2006


Second sleeve completed to joining (the orangy hue is due to not using the flash - I thought the yarn would look better - it didn't)

I now have to halt any further progress as DH informed me that every sweater he has ever bought the sleeves are not long enough. So, never having made a sweater before, I must consult with the Yarn Goddess before deciding to just add on another couple of centimeters to the length of the sweater sleeves. And besides, I'll need her to show me how to reverse the stitches I bound off on the first sleeve. Errgh. She won't be in until Thursday at the earliest, so I'll have to twiddle my thumbs and find something else to knit in my off time. Har har.

Saturday, September 23, 2006


First sleeve completed to joining

Friday, September 22, 2006


We've got a cold and wet weekend coming, so I talked DH into punching out some work this morning and then taking the rest of the day off to enjoy the sun. At 63 degrees, if you stood perfectly still in the sun and the wind stopped, it was nicely warm. The trees are just starting to turn, touched with yellows and oranges.

We put on several layers - he underarmor and wool sweater under his leather jacket - me silk long underwear, PJ hoodie, cashmere socks and wool vest - then we took off.
We rambled through the Northeast portion of the state, all up in the Berkshire Mountain Range. It got rather nippy here and there, but the sun was warm on our backs and the woods were beautiful as always. We rode slowly so that we could hear the rivers and streams chortling over the rock beds, the hawks calling, the tree frogs, bull frogs and crickets and the songbirds. Whiffs of lateblooming wildflowers and wood fires tickled our noses, the sharp smell of damp leaves, the musky scent of woodland damp earth, and the occasional heavy sweet scent of something dead alongside the road.
Our first stop was at the reservoir:

I like the pumping station - it looks like part of a castle . . .

09.22.2006 F.O.

Bubba models finished shawl

Thursday, September 21, 2006


Body of DH's sweater completed, up to arm joining

Wednesday, September 20, 2006


Jessebear was surprised last night by her new boyfriend. He asked her to get something out of his truck, and hidden, right where he told her to look was this

All together now, "Awwwww . . ."

Amazingly, he had remembered that it was their one month anniversary. (She had not)

This is her, talking on the phone with him. Isn't it cute?

Tuesday, September 19, 2006



Monday, September 18, 2006



Sunday, September 17, 2006


The sun came out today and it warmed up a bit, so Bubba got to work at the orchard, the boys logged, I cleaned bathrooms and the main floor and made two chicken pot pies, one vegetarian pot pie and apple crisp, all from scratch. My brother-in-law, his wife and daughter were to come out to watch football and eat with us, along with Jessebear and her new boyfriend, but the first group of guests cancelled due to illness and then the second came only for dessert, so we had a relatively quiet evening and much left-over pot pie.

I hereby present, pot pies:

Saturday, September 16, 2006


Bubba singing to her cat

Friday, September 15, 2006


It's Friday! It's Friday!

I got up as usual for work, had my tea, dozed off while drinking it, woke up, stumbled back to bed, slept for four hours, woke up, had some WonTon Soup, tried to work out, dozed off, showered, managed to get dressed, went to the office to wrap things up, came home, dozed off wrapped up in my shawl, made some hot lemon-honey water for Bubba, Boy and I, dozed and read blogs. I hate being sick, and it's raining like hell here and cold, but I have my shawl.

I am gloating a little about the shawl I guess. I always knit for everyone else, so it just feels so decadent to keep something for me. And even though it is acrylic (eek!) I like the colors, it is warm and the cats like it. They really like it - if I have it, I am guaranteed a cat on me. Even Bubba's cat, who only cuddles with her. And there's nothing quite as good as a warm cat when you are all sick and achy. Except maybe a slave to wait on you and rub your feet and your hands, preferably with a nicely scented massage oil - but who is fortunate enough to have such a slave? So, I'll settle for my acrylic shawl and Bubba's purring, warm cat. And the splatter of rain on the roof. If the sun comes out this weekend, I'll get a picture of my finished object to post.

At any rate, I have until tomorrow afternoon to get better, because there's FOOTBALL this weekend and people want chicken pot pie and vegetarian pot pie from scratch and some sort of evil dessert to go with.

Thursday, September 14, 2006


I had a mad jones for General Tso's Chicken and Egg Drop Soup when I left work last night. I should have listened to it - I should have known. Apparently, Boy's off-and-on sore throat, snuffliness and general bitchiness the last several days was not allergies after all. It was a lovely virus he has shared. With me. I woke up feeling like my head had swollen and been pumped full of cheese and like I had been screaming in my sleep all night and rolled down several flights of stairs. I might have been screaming all night - I was dreaming of financial records and client files and court dates and memos and briefs all night. Not restful sleeping (insert violin music here). I worked out this morning, cursing the bike and the weight machine the whole time and then went off to work. Because as much as I wanted to stay in bed all day long, I'd rather be forced to think about anything but feeling like shit. Anyways, I did the really hard stuff yesterday. Got my General Tso's chicken, though - it's really the thing for when you're sick. And curled up in my newly finished shawl. Mmm, toasty warm, full stomach . . . recipe for sick nap. Bubba made me a lovely cup of tea later while we watched Project Runway together, and then she snuggled with me. And so did Boy. They were really very sweet to me. Even Jessebear - she did not bitch too much about picking up the two from ketsuka class.

Funny moment, though. Jessebear used a rather bitchy tone to me - and Lillicat (who was perched up on the couch arm by my head) reached out and swatted Jessebear's butt - getting her claws stuck in the process - but not breaking the skin. Jessebear didn't think it was so funny, and I did properly chastise the cat - but maybe she should watch her tone?????

Wednesday, September 13, 2006


I spent over six hours today forensically reviewing the financial records of eight to ten investment companies per person, for each of two people, looking for evidence of irregularities by the financial advisor. I am so fried. My brain doesn't hurt - but I am not sure I can form complex thoughts. I am going to sit and knit. The never-ending shawl. And maybe go to bed early. Hopefully, not to dream of financial statements and embezzlement.


We got our wood permit in the mail yesterday, so as instructed DH and I went out to the woodlot to take a look and see if we want it. Let me explain - here, in the great frozen northern forests, the DEP (Department of Environmental Protection) does not have enough of a budget to maintain the forests. So, for a nominal fee (usually around $80) the DEP rangers will go out to the state forests and mark out lots. In those lots are trees that need to be harvested so that the forest can be healthy and not overgrown. (Simplified explanation) Citizens can then go and log those marked trees for this reasonable fee and have enough fuel to heat their homes. Good all around. Keeping in mind that wood was between $150 and $200 per cord last year, and keeping the heat at 65 degrees all winter long, we still needed 9 or more cords of wood. Ugh. If one is lucky, one can log one or two cords of wood for that $80.

So, it was really quite delightful to take a ride up along the mountain range to the state forest on this beautiful clear fall morning. The sky was that brilliant blue which almost hurts to look at. The tips of some trees are beginning to change color, the air was fresh and still scented from late blooming things. Flocks of wild turkeys bolting across the road, crow families grazing in new mown hay fields, the scent of horse manure as we passed farms. It had warmed up from 42 degrees to 60 by the time we left the house at 10 AM, but it was still cold enough that I wore a fleece neckwarmer; a wool sweater, acrylic sweater, jean jacket and wool vest; and some lined leather gloves. As we passed out from under the trees here and there, we could feel the warmth of the sun.

Our wood lot was tucked away off a back country road. We turned into the state forest and just past the beginning of the gravel road a small stream passed over the access road. Sparkling and chortling in the sunlight, a little fish here and there swimming along. It'll be fun getting a truck across that if it rains, I thought. We didn't have to walk very far uphill before we saw the bounty. A number of fallen hardwood trees, down long enough to be dried and at least partly seasoned. This will be a good thing - we should be able to burn this wood this winter, instead of having to season (dry) it at least six to eight months. Our wood lot is located in a mostly uphill portion of the forest, it looks to be fairly well drained and mostly dry. And, even more delightful - I did not initially see poison ivy. Yippee!

We took another route back home, deadreckoning through the mountain side and forests, to see if there was a shorter way. I had thought the ride out was pretty - but the ride back home was even prettier - past ponds full of waterlilies and cattails, white geese, mallard ducks and wood ducks. More wild turkey families, grazing horses, beef cows. Blooming cottage gardens, swooping flocks of song birds. Thanking God for this beautiful day, for being alive to enjoy it. Later in the office, when things got unpleasant and stressed, remembering how lucky I am to be alive, to have seen the glorious beauty this morning. When I begin to feel that life sucks, I hold on to images such as these, remembering the smells, the sounds, the feel of sun on my skin.

Monday, September 11, 2006


We're taking a moment of silence today to remember all those who perished that awful day five years ago. The innocents, the victims, the heroes. The horrible shock and pain of that morning and the day which unfolded.

Keeping in our hearts and our minds all our brothers, fathers, sisters, and mothers - not only those who gave their lives that day, but also those who are still giving their lives today,to keep us safe. No matter how one feels about the war, any war, we know that keeping a 'presence' in the middle east, sacrificing our servicemen and women keeps the terrorists busy. Busy enough that they haven't been able to successfully pull off another 9/11, yet. None of us want to live through another day like that.

I'm sure I'll get mightily flamed, but, then, that's life . . .

Friday, September 08, 2006


Long day at work - managed to get out while the sun was still shining before ripping my hair out. Or filing for divorce.

Went for a long ride with DH, wandering through the hills and vales, past sunlit fields of blooming wildflowers, ponds rippling with jumping fish and leaping frogs. We were going slow, so we enjoyed the scents of blooming things, the warm wet scent of streams through woodlands, the moist sharp smell of decaying leaves. At times, butterflies dipped and fluttered alongside, a flock of geese flew along either side of us and several hawks and then ravens kept pace with us. We could hear the late summer symphony of treefrogs, bull frogs, cicadas, crickets and songbirds. Stopped for a soda at the little country store, reveling in the feel of sunshine on my back. Headed home to take Bubba to ketsuka, quiet, restful night.

Dragonfly resting and lichen


Two more dishcloths.

I really am mad.

Wednesday, September 06, 2006


Been turned around till I'm upside down
Been all at sea until I've drowned
And I've felt torture, I've felt pain . . .
I've been abused and I've been confused . . .
And I been high and I been low
And I don't know where to go

Birth, school, work, death
Birth, school, work, death

Yeah I been high and I been low
And I don't know where to go
I'm living on the never never never
This time it's gonna be forever
I'll live and die don't ask me why
I wanna go to paradise
And I don't need your sympathy
There's nothing in this world for me

Birth, school, work, death
Birth, school, work, death

- The Godfathers

Sometimes, a good song, just says it all.

Monday, September 04, 2006


Third and Final Day of the Fair

It was sunny today! And it could almost be described as warm!

Poundcake took 2nd. And sold.

Children mostly were in the dairy barn. Went on rides, ate fair food, had dairy barn milkshakes. Got to bathe calves.

The fair closed at 6PM. Much sadness.

I had two very large, rather strong mad russians. And knit washcloths/dishcloths like mad. For some reason, I have only wanted to knit dishcloths. I've finished and given away five in the last three days. I don't know what is wrong with me. I think I am having a knitting breakdown.

It is time now to think about the remaining fairs. And what entries we will submit.

Oh, and I don't want to go back to work tomorrow. No, really. I really, really don't. I think I would rather have a heroin habit.


Day Two of the Fair

Last night Jessebear came home and baked her carrot coconut loaf cake and oatmeal craisin chocolate chip cookies. Then Bubba baked her apple pie, white chocolate lemon-scented tollhouse cookies and orange-scented tollhouse cookies. She was done by 3AM. I got my carrot coconut loaf cake in the oven by 5 AM and woke Boy up. He felt I was being unreasonable in requesting that he stage his recipes (mix up the chocolate chip cookie dough, get the brownie ingredients ready and prepare his pans so that when it was time to bake he could just blow through it) while I finished baking, so he went back to bed in a huff. I finished my peanut butter cookies and got the children and entries over to the fair by 8:45 AM.

Jesse and I did not place at all with our carrot coconut loaf cake. Boohoo. Bubba, on the other hand, got 1st for her apple pie. And, the Baking Committee has asked that she submit her recipe (as she created it entirely herself) - it is in contention for next year's special contest! Neither Bubba's nor Jessebear's cookies placed, but they did both sell. My cookies placed 2nd.

It rained off and on today - raw, wet, miserable. Bad day for the fair. The children spent the day in the dairy barn, I came home, made cream of carrot soup, French Canadian Tourtiere and my pound cake. Yes, I actually made it tonight instead of early tomorrow morning - this is the one baked good which is better after sitting for several hours.

We again have an extra child staying the night - they'll be going to the fair bright and early tomorrow.

Jessebear is so bummed - she was going to watch her new boyfriend do the tractor pull as well as team wood chop with her friend Veronica - but those events got moved to tomorrow because of the rain - and she has to work tomorrow.

Can you tell that we are so into the fair?

Saturday, September 02, 2006


Day One of the Fair.

Last night, Jeesebear and I turned in our photos. Bubba turned in the necklace and earring set she hand-beaded. She did not turn in any of her other artwork. There was a bit of an artistic melt-down. I turned in my knitted hat, mittens, baby crib afghan, hand-beaded stitch markers and hand-beaded bracelet.

Jessebear baked her white yeast bread - she was done by 10 PM, then Boy took over and baked his oatmeal bread. He was done by 2 AM. I started at 4AM and was done with banana bread, zucchini bread and oatmeal bread by 9:30 AM, just in time to get all of our baking entries for Saturday in by the 10 AM deadline. I had to leave my baking powder biscuits at home - they were not quite done baking. I should have gotten up at 3 AM.

Came home, made breakfast for DH, Boy, Bubba and her two friends who slept over last night. Took the spawn to the Fair, crashed for a little while.

The hurricane remnants were blowing through here today. It was supposed to rain all day, which was quite the bummer for the fair. Instead, it was cold and frightfully windy. DH and I took a ride through much of the surrounding countryside, dodging blowing debris and falling branches and trees. We got some free dermabrasion cosmetic treatment with all the sand being whipped around. I won't say it was scary. I will say that it was quite exhilarating. It was, of course, cold and grey in our little mountain town.

Went to the Fair a little later to see if any of us placed. Nothing for the photos, Bubba got 1st for her necklace and earrings, Kyle got 3rd for his oatmeal bread (first time competing in the adult division!), I got 1st for my mittens, 2nd for the baby crib afghan, 2nd for my oatmeal bread, 2nd for my zucchini bread.

The children were delighted to find their friends who run a dairy farm, so they hung with them until well past closing in the dairy barn. they want to be there at 8:30 tomorrow morningso they can see their friends show their calves. That'll be good for me - I can drop off my baking entries for Sunday at the same time.

I'm going to grab some dinner and then try and doze a little while Bubba prepares her apple pie and then her cookies. I'll have to get up at 4 again to bake my entries - and Boy and I will have to arm wrestle for the oven!