
We're taking a moment of silence today to remember all those who perished that awful day five years ago. The innocents, the victims, the heroes. The horrible shock and pain of that morning and the day which unfolded.
Keeping in our hearts and our minds all our brothers, fathers, sisters, and mothers - not only those who gave their lives that day, but also those who are still giving their lives today,to keep us safe. No matter how one feels about the war, any war, we know that keeping a 'presence' in the middle east, sacrificing our servicemen and women keeps the terrorists busy. Busy enough that they haven't been able to successfully pull off another 9/11, yet. None of us want to live through another day like that.
I'm sure I'll get mightily flamed, but, then, that's life . . .

Although we may gripe, moan and groan about still being in the middle east, I agree with you as far as our presence still being needed there. I feel if we pack up and leave now, we can kiss all our hard efforts goodbye. The only thing that saddens me, is the need for us to even have to be there. So many service men and women have lost and still are losing their lives to defend our freedom. I wish it could all be over with, but unfortunately the reality is, its not and its still here and the threat to our wonderful nation is just as evident as it was on this day, five years ago.
I dont think I have had a dry eye all day. And I hope and pray we will NEVER have to endure the same type of tragedy we did on Sept. 11th again.
I know - it makes me sad too - the families separated, the human cost, not just to our country, but all the others - our allies, the Iraqis and Afghans, the atrocities on all sides, the victims . . . It makes me feel really very sad and quite hopeless about the human race.
I worry sometimes - I see it around me - five years out and to many people it is as if it never happened. I find that worrisome - I know that it could so easily happen again tomorrow . . .
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