The sun came out today. It was sovery windy and chilly - low 50's - but so nice to see the sun. And the sky was so blue, it hurt.
DH and Bubba trekked on up North two hours to visit with his brother's family. They had a good time, playing basketball in the driveway and hiking through the woods, getting covered in woodticks (yuck!). They only just got home.
Jesse had the day off, so we got to spend the first half of the day with her which was a rare treat, and then she took off for some girl time (read manicure and pedicure) with Ronnie (Veronica). Later, they'll be at yet another redneck bonfire.
Boy and I found a desk for him and brought it home, cleaned his room, moved his bed and dragged the heavy desk up the stairs, in the house and down the hall to his bedroom. He got his computer hooked up and everything arranged while I cleaned all my possessions out of what was my car and is now Jesse's.
Then just he and I made a delightful dinner out of fresh, crusty bread, olive oil, olives and dry salami. We sat across from each other and chatted, and an hour passed without us noticing. Gosh, I like my boy!
Too tired to knit. Off to bed with me . . .
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