We must have about twenty Eastern Hemlock trees on our property. They are very tall trees with delicate little needles which look almost like leaves and dainty little pine cones which the squirrels, chickadees and titmice love to eat. They smell great pretty much all the time. And, until I moved out to this section of New England, I had never seen anything produce the quantity of pollen that these trees produce. I'm sure you've seen a rainstorm so bad that the rain came down in sheets. Just keep that image in your head because on Saturday and Sunday our hemlock trees were having sex. Lots of it. The pollen was falling from the trees in sheets, sheets of pollen moving across our property. It coated everything. My green car and my husband's blue car were yellow. Our red stained deck was yellow. The pets - and us - walked in lovely yellow footprints into the house. I always forget this is going to happen and every year it takes me by surprise - the sheer quantity of pollen. I have never seen this much pollen, ever, in all the states I have been in.
It rained Monday and Tuesday, oftimes torrentially. All the rain we got could not wash away the pollen. I took these pictures this morning after the rain clouds moved away because I could not believe that there was still this much pollen left. Everywhere.
Wow, that is amazing! I bet your property is so beautiful, it is from what I can see of the photos you have posted. Did the rains hit you pretty hard in your area? I saw on the news some of the areas that were flooded.
Sometimes yes, sometimes no. Our property is on an incline, with the river below, so we don't usually get flooding at the house. The river does jump it's banks at snowmelt, and when the hurricane came through last fall (about twelve feet above the bank). Some areas are much more low-laying and get hit pretty hard - you kinda got to look at the flood zone when you are buying (or renting) property. If you are in a zone that floods all the time - well, you're screwed. It seems a lot of people don't look and are caught by surprise when they wake up one morning and the water has risen halfway up their stairs . . .
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