Friday, May 26, 2006


Work. Work. Work. That's what has been happening this week.

It would be nice if the clients would pay their bills, but that's just me being bitchy. Yup.

There's a new girl in the office. She's driving me nuts. She flip flops from being quiet and shy to unbelievably loud. She's only loud when I am on the phone with a client, or the Court, or the banking commission. Never when I am off the phone. And she's in the next room, but it's like she's yelling right next to you. How so much noise could possibly come out of someone so . . . petite . . . is beyond me. I just wish that she would chill the hell out. I mean, it's not terribly professional to be shrieking in a law office.


At May 28, 2006 4:27 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

OMG, every office must have one of "these"! So irritating...


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