
Voila! Project Grace Squares. Washed, blocked and drying.
Why is it that no matter whether you wash wool in baby shampoo, Woolite, dish detergent or expensive wool wash, it still smells like wet dog?
And, why is it that even though the squares were 5 inches before washing, some of them just won't block into a 5 inch square after washing? Five-and-one-half or six? Why, Yarn Gods, why?
How is your daughter now after her accident, I think as a parent it is something we never seem to get over when something as bad as this happens to them. We have also had that dreaded phone call, but ours came from the hospital at 2.30am (a about 3 years ago now), our son (the driver) survived as did the other 3 passengers, but the car didn't. He feel asleep at the wheel, he was nearly 19 years old at the time he is coming up for his 23rd birthday in July.
She has gone from being scared to drive back to being the sassy "I know it all" that she was before the accident. But, she no longer gives me attitude when I tell her to be careful nor I have not seen her speeding, which are positive signs - I hope! I still can't sleep from the time she leaves for work until well after the time she would get to work, and I am also nervous when I know she is driving. I am sure, that with time, I will chill the heck out, and I desperately hope that she has learned her lesson and will never have another accident again.
I am sorry about your son - that must have been so very horrible - that call is definitely near the top of parent's all time worst fears - but i am very glad that he - and his passengers were so very fortunate.
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