Uncle Mike coping with the heat

Bubba recovering from jellyfish attack

Boy and Allycat engaging in heat abatement activities (Squirt gun fights)

We're back early. I'm afraid that being repeatedly stung by jelly fish put a bit of a damper on things and kind of took the wind out of some people's sails. We're all a little browner and Bubba and I are feeling at peace, having communed with the ocean, filled our ears with the crash of waves, watched the sun go down over the edge of the shore, felt the waves lap at our feet and filled our nostrils with the delightful scent of salt water. Mmmm - sometimes I feel a real affinity with the Celtic tales of sylkies - ocean women who came ashore because they fell in love with a mortal man, but always longed to return to the sea - and sometimes did . . .
The pets are awfully glad to see us, and it's good to be back again in the woods, listening to the river rush past. A couple of tremendous thunderstorms hit this afternoon, cooling things off and knocking the power and cable out. I so love summer thunderstorms!
I did make some progress on the shawl, but I did not finish it as I had hoped. I have three days left to work on it - and much preparation before DH and I leave for the entire month of August. Sadly, no knitting will be coming with us, as space will be severely limited. I am wondering if I can maintain sanity without knitting for an entire month. Or beading. Or drawing. Or writing. Hmmm
Thanks for the very insightful comment on my last post. I agree completely with what you said. Although it may not have come across well, I found "Are you pregnant?"'s views more interesting than offensive. I just wonder what makes people tick.
I love the nicknames you use for your family - especially Alleycat, since I was a bit of an Alleycat back in the day myself. I hope that you were able to get some of what you wanted out of camping and that your August away will be fulfilling. You sound like a very creative person, so I'm guessing that you will survive without the use of knitting needles or other tools. xox,
OUCH! I cant imagine how that must have hurt getting stung by jellyfish. I have heard the pain is excruciating. I love the ocean, but sometimes whats in it is quite frightening. LOL...
Where are you going for the entire month of August? Im being nosey, dont mind me.. ;) LOL
hi, i love reading your regular posts. keep up the good work. i have been trying to get in touch with you about the secret pal exchange. please e-mail me asap at sp8.hostess@gmail.com.
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