We are going camping tomorrow. For the first time. With two out of three children. And my brother-in-law, sister-in-law and neice. In tents.
I've always wanted to take the children camping, but have never actually done it. And, other than Girl Scout camping (in an old WWII barracks, never outside)as a little girl, and then when I was sixteen, homeless and slept on the beach (that's another story - but did you know what absolutely superb watchdogs sea lions are?), I've never camped. So, this'll be fun.
We've got the tent - there's only four of us because Jessegirl can't get away from work - and DH insisted on getting an eight person tent - which I think is just way too big. And he's insisted on getting air mattresses, which I think are silly - we're supposed to be camping - doesn't that mean sleeping on the ground, not on a bed? So, we'll be leaving tomorrow and we'll be gone for the rest of the week, and, then, of course, just DH and I will be gone the whole month of August, so there'll not be much posting going on here.
I'm bringing my knitting camping, because if I get to be outside in the fresh sea air, well, then, so should my growing shawl. But, sadly, I will not be bringing the beads I have been making into stitch markers. And I am sad about that, because I have really enjoyed making them the last week or so. But, I have made something like twenty sets of six, so I suppose I should take a break.
So, it's off to the store to pick up a couple of last minute items crucial to camping, such as marshmallows, graham crackers and chocolate. Because what would camping be without s'mores?
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