Saturday, April 29, 2006

Finished Grace's second square during the ketsu-ka tournament this afternoon. Finally. Ya know -- it's harder than one would expect to knit a five-by-five inch square. The gauge changes with each pattern, even when one is using the identical yarn. Most perplexing. But, I think most things are perplexing when my head hurts. I smacked it real good this morning at the barn and it has just hurt like hell all day. And my head is making me feel sick. Ugh. I think I was born without depth perception . . . in relation to my own body and whether or not I am going to run into/smack into something.
It was a beautiful sunny day - it actually got up to about 65 degrees. We could see the sunshine through the gymnasium windows as we watched the exhibitions, kata demonstrations and sparring matches. The kids and I really enjoyed it - and the highlight was watching DH spar for the first time in competition, only seconded by later watching the black belts spar. DH won 4th place and was awarded a very nice trophy. Pretty great showing for a first competition. We're all quite proud of him.


At May 02, 2006 8:46 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ouch, sorry you smacked your head! I need a radar installed in the back of mine, for some reason whenever I bend into my car to get something and am headed back out, smack! Never fails, right in the back of the head.

Congrats to DH, how cool is that?!


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