Silly girl. I should know by now. I knit up the new pattern square, and it was pretty, and I was virtually done (at what should have been the cast off row) near the end of Medium, but at the number of rows I figured, it was short by an inch and wide by 1/2 an inch. If I was using the brain which God in his infinite wisdom gave me, I would have realized ahead of time (i.e. before I was on the supposed last row of the square) that the yarn gauge changes not only with the yarn you use, but also if you are using the same yarn, but a different pattern. So, I've frogged the pretty little square, reconfigured the pattern and am proudly forging ahead. because my brain's mighty powers are greater than simply knitting another gauge swatch. Stay tuned. Let's see if Cynthia gets to reknit the square a third time if her calculations are in error because she was too stubborn to knit a guage swatch.
I bought a "how to" knit kit, and for the life of me, with all the illustrations provided, I DONT GET IT.I think its the illustrations, they are kinda loopy looking. I have lovely yarn up the wazoo, and all the intentions of knitting. I need someone to show me how to do it. I know I will LOVE it once I get the hang.
You know, those can be really confusing - I bought a couple over the years too. the only thing that really helped me was a book published for men around World War 2 and those instructions are awesome. I've used them to teach quite a few other people. Once you know how to cast on, the knit and the purl stitch and how to cast off, well then you can pretty much do anything - or at least enough to knit some scarves and washclothes. By then, you are ready to learn something more challenging, like a hat or mittens or a baby blanket, and that's when it's great to take a class.
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