Monday, October 30, 2006


Jessebear and her man

As you can see, TigerLillicat has given her unqualified seal of approval for First Baby's man. It's actually really funny - when his big deisel truck pulls into the driveway, she runs to the door to greet him. She'll follow him around the house, talking to him non-stop. This from the cat who doesn't really like visitors and never greets someone the first time they come over. Except for him.

Thursday, October 26, 2006


These things do not define me, they are not the sum of my existence:


chronic fatigue syndrome



chronic pain



What I AM is a mother, wife, teacher, cook, baker, writer, knitter, dreamer, lover, friend.

I believe in the power of love, I believe faith will guide you, if you let it.

I believe that there is always a silver lining, that one must live each day as if it is our last.

I will not submit to negativity or tyranny.

I will joyously embrace each day as the gift it is and be grateful for every second I get to spend with my family, for every delicate leaf falling down, for the slant of the sunlight through the trees, for the smell of a warm cat, for the feel of my husband's arm around me, for my daughter's foot pressed up against my shin, for my son's bonecrushing morning hugs, for the taste of good chocolate slowly melting in my mouth. Life is far too short to ever be able to fully appreciate and enjoy all the wonder and beauty which surrounds me, but far too long to spend it in bed, moaning and whining.

Thursday, October 12, 2006


Pretty much any free time lately has been spent logging. Preparing for the inevitable cold, the winter which is slowly but steadily marching towards us. the nights are getting colder, we've had two light frosts and on heavy frost already. The apples are getting sweeter, foliage has peaked and is dropping. We have not yet (knock on wood) had to turn the heat on, for which I rejoice. Our meal of choice lately is homemade soup. And I am so tired from the office and logging that I have not been able to knit. C’est la vie.

The good news! We got our wood permit today, in hand! We can begin logging this Saturday. We have a month to bring in four cords of wood (a cord is 4'x4'x12') - I have no idea if that is enough time or not enough. I guess that will depend on the weather, mostly.

Wednesday, October 04, 2006


Monday was challenging - had difficulties with Boy, so when DH came home, they had a four hour conference on responsibility and growing up. Tuesday was spent doing SAT prep with Boy, and then ketsuka class for Bubba - Boy's back was sore so he stayed home. Today, DH and I went in to the office early and got work done, prepped for Court tomorrow and then in the early afternoon, after realizing that this would be the last truly warm day for quite some time, took off with Neighbor for a ride through the foliage and sunshine. We stopped at a litle country store we like and had sandwiches and sat and chatted, then rode up to the top of the mountain and looked across three states and enjoyed the changing foliage. And then we rode through more little country back roads back home, where Boy was making dinner and we all hung out together. Even first baby and her boyfriend. All in all, a quiet and warm family evening.

Sunday, October 01, 2006


Today was a football day.

Which means we had pancakes for breakfast, moussaka for dinner and applecrisp for dessert.

And our team won. Woohoo!

No knitting, just hours of cooking and then hours of kitchen and dish cleaning.