Pretty much any free time lately has been spent logging. Preparing for the inevitable cold, the winter which is slowly but steadily marching towards us. the nights are getting colder, we've had two light frosts and on heavy frost already. The apples are getting sweeter, foliage has peaked and is dropping. We have not yet (knock on wood) had to turn the heat on, for which I rejoice. Our meal of choice lately is homemade soup. And I am so tired from the office and logging that I have not been able to knit. C’est la vie.
The good news! We got our wood permit today, in hand! We can begin logging this Saturday. We have a month to bring in four cords of wood (a cord is 4'x4'x12') - I have no idea if that is enough time or not enough. I guess that will depend on the weather, mostly.
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