Another no knitting week. Instead, we had the pleasure of completely pulling apart four out of the five computers, reformatting, reconfiguring, partitioning, swapping drives, reinstalling hardware and software, reprogramming the BIOS, ripping our hair out, swearing, getting about twelve hours sleep all week, as well as keeping the law office running and the family alive. So, I am posting because I actually have a working computer. All (knock on wood) the computers are now running, so I am going to go heat my heatpacks, curl up with a cat under a comforter (because it is cold and rainy out) and go knit for a while. Or, I may just fall asleep and drool into my pillow. Your guess is as good as mine.
And I leave you with a picture of Boy on his fourth birthday, because he is going to turn 15 (!) in a week-and-one-half. Can you believe it?

Dont you wish they could stay little just a tad bit longer?? I have one who will be 16 next month, time sure does pass quickly!
Aww, Kylie is so cute~ And a little crown...So Kyle-ish. <3
I shall have to find a present for him. Any ideas?
I'd love to see you both times! <3 Whichever is more convenient for you works for moi.
Hey Heather - Yeah - I really like who he is growing into, but I do admit that I miss that adorable little boy! I can't believe how quickly the last eleven years have passed.
You know Miss Julia - that was The Birthday Crown. They all got to wear it on their birthday - I don't know if you remember it . . . it seems so corny now - but they really loved it and there was often much pouting by the non-birthday persons because they did not get to wear it. Silly girl -- you don't have to get him a present - just come have cake. And ice cream. And maybe dinner?
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