Saturday, February 25, 2006


Started off the morning with fresh lemon poppyseed muffins and craisin muffins. Mmmm - nothing like fresh muffins to wake your family up with.

Chugging along on the baby blanket. I'll definitely be done by the end of the weekend. Three more inches to go before the border - and the border is only eight rows. Yippee!!

Last night was fun - good meal, great company. We had a little seafood and then went over to the Spanish bar for drinks. There was some loose talk of going to the 'dirt bar', but that faded before long.

Dave and Greg are a blast to go out with. Dave's more gregarious and Greg's a little more reserved, when he's in a good mood he's rather wry. Last night, his humor was a little dry, but he was rather oblivious to the girls trying to pick up on him - which was amusing in itself. Sometimes I envy Dave's ability to make friends wherever we go - he can walk in anywhere and have people eating out of his hand in no time flat - it doesn't matter how shy, how obnoxious, or how mean someone is - he just seduces them with that Irish charm and everyone has a good time. I like to sit back and watch - even more so when I've stopped drinking so the poachers won't pull us over on the way home. Someone has to be legal. :p


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