Only 9 RSVPs. Three more weeks until the rsvp deadline. So much to do.
The girls and I are planning a bridal shower and bachelorette. Bridal shower invites will go out soon - we have to finalize a place and menu and theme - eeks!
Only 9 RSVPs. Three more weeks until the rsvp deadline. So much to do.
Successfully mailed the invitations! Very happy to have them on their way.
I got home from work tonight to discover that the wedding invitations had arrived a full day early! So, I've spent the last 5 1/2 hours hand addressing them using calligraphy and stamping half. Bubba kindly helped me fold and stamp the other half. First Baby couldn't come help, she worked her first day at the new job and then went home to nurse her sick guy. Bad timing to be sick - First Baby picked up the sample cake for tasting. It is kind of hard, I would imagine, to adequately judge your wedding cake when you have the stomach flu. She promised me she would save me a taste - so I look forward to that! I am beat. I am going to crash. Work has an unpleasant way of coming around each morning . . .
It's been a bit of a bumpy road the last year or so. I just realized today that I have been saving my posts in draft form instead of just publishing them. Smart. Smooth.
Mother's Day dawned clear, mild and sunny. I had my tea in the sun on the deck, then DH made me an omelette.