Friday, May 30, 2008


Only 9 RSVPs. Three more weeks until the rsvp deadline. So much to do.

The girls and I are planning a bridal shower and bachelorette. Bridal shower invites will go out soon - we have to finalize a place and menu and theme - eeks!

Friday, May 23, 2008

Successfully mailed the invitations! Very happy to have them on their way.

Now I will just have to wait for the RSVPs - stressing about numbers . . . costs . . . space at the reception . . .

. . . breathe . . . breathe . . . breathe

All will be well and all will be well and all manner of things will be well.

I am so very glad that it is a three day weekend. I am going to fall over and sleep now.

Thursday, May 22, 2008

I got home from work tonight to discover that the wedding invitations had arrived a full day early! So, I've spent the last 5 1/2 hours hand addressing them using calligraphy and stamping half. Bubba kindly helped me fold and stamp the other half. First Baby couldn't come help, she worked her first day at the new job and then went home to nurse her sick guy. Bad timing to be sick - First Baby picked up the sample cake for tasting. It is kind of hard, I would imagine, to adequately judge your wedding cake when you have the stomach flu. She promised me she would save me a taste - so I look forward to that! I am beat. I am going to crash. Work has an unpleasant way of coming around each morning . . .

Saturday, May 17, 2008

It's been a bit of a bumpy road the last year or so. I just realized today that I have been saving my posts in draft form instead of just publishing them. Smart. Smooth.

Took a long bike ride up north this morning to meet up with DH's sister and her husband and brother and his wife to take out the brother who lives in a nursing home to lunch for his birthday. An unpleasant chore, but one done for the parents. The things we do for our parents.

The ride up north was lovely. It began at 52 degrees, the trees are greening up and the fruit trees and honeysuckle are blooming, so the air is sweet and scented. The temperature rose as we went further north and lower in elevation.

After lunch, we headed back south to home as a good sized rain front was headed our way by 4. We wanted to be well home by then. the ride back was even better - warmer, the scents of warmed fertile earth, fresh, clean running streams, newly mown lawns and sunwarmed flowering bushes and trees. It had been 72 up north, but back home, although down south, we are at a higher elevation, so it was 65. Beautiful all the same.

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Mother's Day dawned clear, mild and sunny. I had my tea in the sun on the deck, then DH made me an omelette.

I had thought before today that I do something different - I would make demands for Mother's Day - go for a hike, or ride bikes on the bike path, maybe get some tea or lunch. And then I thought I would just accept whatever came my way, no demands, no expectations.

So I sat in the sun and did some writing. Then I dragged my mattress out into the sun to purify it. I had slept on that mattress both times I was sick and then recovering from the surgeries to remove the tumors. A lot of fear, anxiety, misery, sadness, despair and hopelessness was in that mattress and I am not nearly wealthy enough to buy a new mattress, so purification it was. DH then thought he would help me clean the room, so the bedroom benefitted from a thorough spring cleaning. Nary a cobweb or a dustbunny in sight. Next, I burned salt to purify the room of negative emotions and energies. Last, the mattress came back upstairs to be covered in clean sheets and blankets. The room feels different now, more peaceful, empty in a good way. A few years ago, I would have laughed if you suggested that I purify my mattress and bedroom. It just seemed like the right thing to do at the time.

I made an enormous greek salad for dinner with roasted garlic bread, and first baby showed up with her fiance for dinner. Much to my surprise, all three children had gone in on an edible arrangement and very nice card for me. We all enjoyed the edible arrangement - mmm, chocolate covered strawberries - and just hung out together for a while. Nice, laid-back, loving evening. I am so very grateful for my three children, so very happy for each moment I get to spend with them.

Thursday, May 08, 2008


I was feeling blue and sad, so I bought myself something pretty. It was extravagant, but it worked - the beauty and simplicity cheered me up!

The very first ever baby sweater I knit

Knit for first baby's best friend's daughter, a lovely little irish lass just 13 months old. Knit from Debblie Bliss washable (!) cashmerino yarn. I was so nervous about sewing it together, but it came out really quite lovely. Reports are that it fits well and Ellie May likes it. Whew!

Thursday, May 01, 2008

A Little Eye Candy