Sunday, April 22, 2007

Spring cometh

Warmth returns to the earth here in the Northeast. I saw little green buds beginning to pop on trees today. I also saw crocuses blooming - bright flashes of color here and there - brings such joy to my heart. As the earth warms, spring smells begin to blow on gentle, warm breezes. Birds sing by day, racoons scream passionately at night (guess you can't have one without the other). The great horned owls are nesting again, I can hear them at night close to the house. DH was quite happy, he has spent much of the last two days on the bike. I've enjoyed riding with him, smelling the smells of fertile earth, fresh water flowing, green things, listening to the birds, feeling the heat of the sun on my face. Coming home at night, exhausted from the fresh air. Thanking God for the glory of his creation and the joy of being able to live in it. Each day I am alive with my family is such a priceless, sweet gift - I am so very, very grateful.


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