Sunday, February 25, 2007


We had to run the horses today, cool them down and groom them. They were so happy to be exercised, and we enjoyed the day with them.

Monday, February 19, 2007


Along with the many other challenges we've been facing lately, Jessegirl was just diagnosed with lyme disease. Although this certainly sucks, as does the treatment required, it is a definite relief to finally know the cause of her pain, weakness, 'irritability', sleep disturbances and loss of appetite over the last several months. We'll be watching her and praying that she shows improvement once the antibiotics have a chance to kick in over the next four weeks and also that she recovers quickly.

Monday, February 12, 2007


It warmed up to about freezing today, so we decided to celebrate by going for a walk through the woods and along the boardwalk across the marsh. It was bright, cold and the sky was blue. How beautiful and peaceful.