Up to 2003. Boy they were little . . .

Third day in, over 15 hours of video . . . We're into the '90's now, First Baby is sixish, Bubba is a toddler, Boy is a baby, DH is a student and watching this is making me hungry. Remembering poverty, always being hungry but making sure the little ones had enough food and warm clothes. Watching them grow and change, tape by tape, year by year. It really reminds me that although parenthood can be stressful, exhausting, frightening, it is also so sweet, so wonderful, so very very short. It blows my mind, it does
DH's new (obsession) project is to transfer 20 years worth of family movies on VHS and 8 mm onto DVD before they degrade as all film does. So, to that end, we watched 10 hours of family videos today as they were being recorded onto DVD. It's so awesome seeing the spawn when they were babies, then toddlers. We've only gotten up to 1989 and I'm wiped. More tomorrow . . .
I spent a good portion of the day napping. I was so tired from cooking yesterday. I did knit a little of Amy's shawl and took a bite out of the neverending laundry. It was a good day.
Planning out the finer details of Thanksgiving, the grocery list, the timeline.
Harvest Bonfire tonight - twenty foot high by twelve feet wide pile of brush and logs await to be lit after sunset. White chili and homemade mac'ncheese are done, cider simmers with spices, apple pies are done and cooling, brownies are baking.
Yes, that's right, it is snow.
This is our third snowfall this fall. And it is barely November. Do ya think we'll have another brutal winter? Hmmm . . .
A few posts ago, I was showing the sweater pieces I was knitting for DH - and then I stopped knitting because I needed a consult with the Yarn Goddess. Said consult took place last night and this is what DH's sweater now looks like: