Chugging along with neighbor's scarf. I like the broken rib pattern - it looks quite nice and the wool is so soft and bouncy.

The picture doesn't really do it justice - it's a lovely hunter green sort of green. Rather like holly-colored (without the shine) velvet.
Haven't made any progress with the baby blanket - the whole state was shut down yesterday due to a snowstorm, so that meant no help forthcoming from the LYS. Maybe I'll get out over the weekend - we'll see. Jesse is anxiously awaiting the advent of her capelet, Kyle his mutant mittens, and tho' they haven't said anything, I am sure Bubba would like her hat and DH would like his sweater. And let's not forget Mother Goose and her mittens. Hmm - I think I need to grow another set of hands. Or maybe two.
Plenty to keep me busy - It's a shame Bernard Cornwell has published a new series (this one about the Saxons and Vikings) and, of course, it looks just great! http://www.bernardcornwell.net/index.cfm?page=2&BookId=41 I should have time to read it this summer . . .
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