Been a little busy, haven't been keeping up with my posts. I made my friend Kate a hat and scarf out of Lana Grossa Bingo in her two favorite colors - bright yellow and orange. My sister-in-law Paula liked that yarn so much and seemed jealous of the scarf, so I made her a hat and scarf out of the Lana Grossa in dark purple and dark pink to match the embroidery on her winter coat. While I was finishing myfriend Kate's hat, hubby coveted it, so I made him his own - oh - I used that pattern that was giving me fits - it is a good pattern - I was just reading it wrong. Typical newbie mistake.
A few years ago, I bought some Lion Brand Homespun yarn because Abby wanted a shawl, but I had to keep ripping it out and restarting it. Well, I restarted it (and one for Jesse) in February and finished both today. It's pretty and Abby's cat Tombo has decided that it is the best. It has the Tombo Seal of Approval.

And, as if that isn't enough, Abby really wanted a pair of gauntlets. I could not find a pattern that she liked at all, so I made one up - can you believe that? I personalized it to the length of her forearm and knit it in Fumo. And they turned out great and she loves them! Yippee!