The wild strawberries started blooming last month - they are finally beginning to show fruit. For anyone who hasn't had a wild strawberry - you don't know what you are missing. they are tiny, but the most heavenly, intense strawberry flavor you've ever had. Mmmm . . .

Some little green ones - should be ripe in a week or so - here's hoping the rabbits don't get to them first!

Also, the wild raspberries have taken off - the bushes are just heavy with fruit. All we need are some sunny days so they ripen up.

I have yet to experience a wild strawberry. Wild blueberries and raspberries yes, and they were heavenly!
I have some wild cactus here! LOL.. Not as good though! ;)
I remember when I was a child, for a treat, getting fresh cactus candy. Mmmm - so yummy!
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